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GREEN LINE AUTOMOTIVE Is Now Google Vehicle Listing Ad Approved

GREEN LINE AUTOMOTIVE is officially an approved partner for Google Dynamic Vehicle Listing Ads. By partnering with us, you can now promote your digital showroom and local inventory ultimately boosting traffic to your website and driving better qualified leads directly from the VDP. You don’t have to wait for Google’s beta program to take advantage of this new product. Sign up now and see your inventory live at the top of search results. LEARN MORE

Google vs. Facebook Advertising | What’s the Difference?

For years, industry publications, bloggers, and the media have pitted Google and Facebook against each other in a narrative of epic struggle for dominance. As a result, many brands and first-time advertisers feel that the path to advertising and marketing success can only come if they choose the right one. This is especially true for car dealerships and the auto industry, where reaching online leads has become absolutely essential to survival and success. LEARN MORE


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